Having sparklers on your wedding day is so much fun and they make for some photos!

Firstly, I’d recommend purchasing two sparklers per person.  You’ll want to order the longest sparklers you can get your hands on (the extra long ones are about 40cm), also make sure they are the warm burning ones, not the blue ones.

Matches are the worst thing to light a sparker with and so you will also need one lighter per person… this may seem like a lot, but everyone needs to light the sparkler at roughly the same time for it to be affective, and in my experience this is the easiest and quickest way to get the job done!

The best time to do sparklers is either at dusk or in complete darkness.  There is no point in doing sparklers in the day.  In saying that, maybe be mindful not to do it too late when everyone is super drunk, just thinking about health and safety and all that!

To create a sparkler tunnel that you both walk down is super magical.  I make the tunnel narrow and ask guests to hold the sparklers up high in the air, giving you enough space to walk down.

sparklers on your wedding day

Having sparklers isn’t like having confetti (although you need permission to even to use confetti these days!)  I would highly recommend you speak to your wedding planner / venue early on during the wedding planning.  Most venues I work at love having sparklers, but they’ll need to put a few health and safety things in place first.

If you are planning a DIY wedding, then just remember you may be dealing with 60-100 drunk people (gulp!)  Depending on where we do them, if there are no external lights it’ll help to bring torches or some festoon lights so you and your guests can see what you are doing (remember – pitch black!!) Also, have a bucket of water on standby.

If you’ve got any further question please just drop me a line and if you’re looking for some more fire fun, have a read of this blog post from ROCK N ROLL BRIDE: 12 WAYS TO PLAY WITH FIRE ON YOUR WEDDING DAY

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